The NCCP Committee will be comprised of the Taekwondo Manitoba Vice President,
a director at large, and a regular member appointed as the NCCP Service Coordinator by the Board of Directors. The Membership Committee Chair may serve as resource to the committee.
Oversees and assists in the planning and delivery:
To maintain programs designed to enhance the level of expertise of coaching within the Taekwondo Manitoba Association.
To develop and maintain a means to recruit, train and retain coaches at the NCCP 1 & 2 entry level stages.
To develop and maintain a mentoring process to recruit, train and retain elite athletes and coaches for NCCP level 3 and above coaching certification.
To establish and update the Provincial Instructor/Coach Database Information as necessary.
To form partnerships with current Taekwondo Canada NCCP Committee liaisons who oversee the West Region, for the purpose of gaining access to existing information, initiatives and updates on an on-going basis.
Coordinate delivery of Taekwondo Canada’s NCCP Instructor/Coach Workshop programs (i.e. establish dates and locations for training workshops conducted by National Learning Facilitator designates).
Select mentor coaches, head coaches, and assistant coaches for the Provincial Team programs and Taekwondo Canada Jr. and Sr. National Events.
The identification of coaches to undertake course conductor (Learning Facilitator) training and the facilitation of such training seminars.
To establish a transparent process inclusive of the following information:
Eligibility Criterion – i.e. Coaches must be currently active to ensure that they are familiar with the athletes involved and conversant with current practices and techniques.
Risk Management – i.e. Criminal Records and Child Abuse Registry Check
Registration Fees
Disciplinary or sanction disposition
The committee shall meet no less than 4 times per year.
Members of the committee are expected to attend all meetings of the committee.
Meetings may be held by conference call as needed.