The Policy Committee will be comprised of the President of Taekwondo Manitoba, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and at least one member of the Directors at Large. Committee members must have an understanding of the requirements of board and policy governance, and be committed to improving Board operations and organizational effectiveness.
To assist the Board of Directors in the development of governance policies.
To recommend to the Board policy changes or changes to the bylaws pertaining to governance.
To assist the Board in the evaluation of the effectiveness of the operations of the Board.
Review existing bylaws and policies as they relate to governance of the organization.
Develop (and maintain) written Board governance policies for approval by the Board.
In conjunction with the Nominations Committee, develop and maintain a description of the desirable qualifications and attributes that constitute an effective Director.
Monitors the short and long-term plans of Taekwondo Manitoba and initiates any annual review process (evaluation) involving the Board.
The committee shall meet no less than 2 times per year.
Members of the committee are expected to attend all meetings of the committee.
Meetings may be held by conference call as needed.
The Policy Committee shall report the following to the Board of Directors at designated meetings of the Board throughout the year:
Dates of meetings and committee member attendance.
Strategic Plan and progress towards the achievement of the key performance indicators.
Presentation of information to the Board as may be required to ensure compliance with the organization’s policies and bylaws.
The Board of Directors and the committee shall confirm or renegotiate the committee/board relationship annually.