The Strategic Planning Committee will be comprised of the President of Taekwondo Manitoba, two members of the Directors at Large (one holding a term expiring in odd numbered years and the other in even numbered years), and at least one regular member of the Taekwondo Manitoba Association. Committee members must have a thorough knowledge of Taekwondo Manitoba membership benefits, programs, and initiatives, as well as those of the parent Association – Taekwondo Canada. Committee members must be familiar with Sport Manitoba and Sport Canada initiatives and accountability standards.
To assist the Board in fulfilling its responsibility to set strategic direction and define key objectives for the association.
To monitor and assess progress toward strategic goals.
Regular identification and examination of the impact of external trends and issues.
Recommendations regarding revisions and updates to the strategic plan.
Plan and prepare for the annual review of the plan.
Preparation of a multi-year Strategic Plan.
Review annual progress towards the strategic goals.
Monitor external trends and issues that may impact the Strategic Vision.
Review the Strategic plan; identify gaps or concerns.
Develop appropriate strategies and priorities.
Engage members and stakeholders as appropriate.
Plan for and participate in the annual retreat and review of the Strategic Plan.
The committee shall meet no less than 2 times per year.
Members of the committee are expected to attend all meetings of the committee.
Meetings may be held by conference call as needed.
The Strategic Planning Committee shall report the following to the Board of Directors at designated meetings of the Board throughout the year:
Dates of meetings and committee member attendance.
Presentation of information to the Board as may be required.
The Board of Directors and the committee shall confirm or renegotiate the committee/board relationship annually.